Discover and achieve you full creative potential as postdoc at BNI

The Biomedical Neuroscience Institute (BNI) is seeking talented and highly motivated postdocs willing to live and work in our laboratories located in Santiago, Chile.
Applicants are invited to work on fundamental unresolved questions in a range of topics from subcellular, cellular, and developmental Neuroscience, through plasticity and cognition and the molecular and functional basis of psychiatric and neurological diseases. We encourage the use of complementary model organisms (Drosophila, zebrafish, rodents, and humans), multiscale analysis of biological phenomena, in vivo approaches, or state-‐of-‐the-‐art technological capabilities, especially in the areas of advanced light microscopy and signal processing.
Applicants are expected to contribute to a differentiating scientific culture that cultivates and blends these strategies through intense, highly collaborative, multidisciplinary and cohesive work, with the broad aim of having a significant impact on research, technology and education.
A postdoctoral bridge fellowship of approximately $1,500 USD/month will be awarded for 6-‐18 months; application to the Fondecyt Postdoctoral competition during the first semester of 2017 will be required. Only applicants that obtained their doctoral degree after January 1 2014 will be considered. For female researchers that gave birth after January 1 2014, the doctoral degree requirement is January 1 2013.
For pre-‐selection please send a letter of intent, including topic of interest, and CV to no later than February 28, 2017. Pre-‐selected applicants will be asked to write a short project proposal during March 2017.
For more information of research lines and activities please visit and