Research Assistant Postgraduate Position in CHILE

The Cellular & Molecular Physiology Laboratory (CMPL) at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile is seeking applicants for a research assistant postgraduate position.
CMPL research is to understand cellular and molecular mechanisms behind foetoplacental vascular dysfunction in diseases of pregnancy such as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, obesity in pregnancy, and foetal insulin resistance. On-going research focus on mechanisms regulating gene expression, transcripts and protein products associated with nucleoside and amino acid membrane transporters, and nucleotide and nucleoside receptors in micro and macrovascular endothelium of the human placenta. Studies on the elucidation of cellular and epigenetic mechanisms and vascular reactivity response are in progress.
A position as Research Assistant Postgraduate at the CMPL of the Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, School of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile is available. An initial appointment within the FONDECYT 1150377 (2015 – 2019) grant scheme will initially be for a period of 12 months (€12.189 for the period) with the possibility of extending it for an extra period of 12 months depending on productivity. Applicants must hold a first degree in medicine, biological sciences, or related areas, with desired experience in primary cultures and molecular biology techniques, including proteomics and epigenetic approaches.
F1150377 project: Role of insulin receptors and adenosine receptors in prevention of fetoplacental endothelial dysfunction by insulin in women with gestational diabetes mellitus.
Applicants will be interviewed (videoconference). Position is expected to start on: March 1st, 2018.
Applicants must submit via e-mail an abbreviated CV (max. three pages) and two references (including e-mail address and telephone). Not a letter is required at this stage.
Contact: Professor Luis Sobrevia
Postal address: Marcoleta 391, Santiago 8330024, CHILE E-mails: or
Tel: (562) 2354 8118 (Office)
Tel: (562) 2354 8117 (Project Manager & Laboratory)
Fax: (562) 2632 1924
Santiago, December 22, 2017