Seminario Martes 17 de Enero. Dr. Jonathan Howard. Instituto de Ciencia Gulbenkian de Portugal

Dr. Jonathan Howard
Director del Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência Portugal
Miércoles 17 de Enero. 11:00 hrs
10:30 hrs Café de Bienvenida
Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Sala de Postgrado 1. Piso -2
Sede de Pedro de Valdivia 425 – Providencia – Santiago
Mayor información
Dr. Jonathan C. Howard
Professor Jonathan Howard has been Director of the Gulbenkian Institute of Science in Portugal since 2012. He has been interested in co-evolution in host-pathogen interactions in an ecological context since working in the laboratory of JBS Haldane in India after his BA in Zoology at Oxford. He returned to Oxford to do a DPhil in Medicine at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology on aspects of lymphocyte physiology followed by a post-doctoral period at the University of Pennsylvania. While at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge he collaborated with César Milstein during the early days of monoclonal antibodies, followed by work on the cell biology of antigen presentation, culminating in the discovery of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP). From 1994 – 2012 he was Professor of Cell Genetics at the University of Cologne, where he returned to the study of host-pathogen interactions and the generation and maintenance of polymorphism in virulence and resistance factors in wild mice.
In 2012 he was appointed Director of the Gulbenkian Institute of Science, an independent institute near Lisbon known for its graduate training programs and for the breadth of its research activities, which cover computational biology, evolution, immunity, development and cell biology. He is a member of EMBO and a Fellow of the Royal Society.